Greatway Financial on What Is Your Life’s Purpose?

Greatway Financial
3 min readNov 3, 2020

There’s 7.8 billion of us on Earth — each possessing our own distinct talents, passions and dreams. Equipped with these unique tools, each of us has a path set out before us. Your life has a purpose. If you haven’t discovered it yet, you’re in the right place.

At Greatway Financial, we aren’t just about dreaming — we’re about applying a concrete, dedicated vision to those dreams in order to actualize them into realities. Pondering life purpose can be either exciting and anxiety-inducing — we hope to emphasize the latter.

If it’s on your heart right now to discover your life purpose and really begin living with intention, you’re already on your way. There’s no fast-tracked recipe for discovering your intended path — that’s a journey you’ll need to walk for the rest of your life. In pondering your life purpose; however, the following will likely help.

Notice What Brings You Joy

Joy isn’t a fleeting feeling of happiness, it’s the steady glow of rich fulfillment and a contentment that extends beyond mere emotion. Linked to our spirits, joy sheds light on our core values, our inner selves and our true purpose.

In pondering your own purpose, make conscious efforts to observe joy in anything you do. At Greatway Financial, we recommend looking back on your own life — what moments highlight themselves to you as the most joyful? What were you doing in those moments? Who were you serving? How might these little sparks speak to your purpose at large?

Focus on What You Have

Fulfilling your purpose requires knowing and understanding your own unique gifts. Unfortunately, no one has it all. When it comes to discovering your life’s purpose, it does no good to fixate on the things you do not have. Instead, focus on the unique gifts you already possess. At Greatway Financial, we’re huge believers in the power of gratefulness. Over the years, we’ve found that the more consciously we practice gratefulness, the more blessings come–the more we must be grateful for.

In pursuing fulfillment by focusing on what you have, you’ll also likely vanquish the fears and anxieties that so often accompany questions of purpose. As you practice gratefulness, you begin consciously cataloguing your gifts — over time, you’ll realize you have more to offer than you ever previously realized.

Find A Community

For many, finding purpose is about finding where they fit. No man is an island — part of discovering your purpose will likely entail accepting your own limitations. Thankfully, you don’t have to go it alone. Finding a healthy, loving support system (or series of support systems) will help you discover exactly how you fit into the broader picture.

When you find where you “click,” you’re well on your way to tapping into your purpose. If you’ve found a community that fosters growth, encourages purposeful living and welcomes you wholly, you’ve found a home. When it comes to wealth management and financial services, we hope the Greatway Financial can be one of your many enriching homes.

Stay Flexible

It might sound cliché, but your life’s purpose is a journey, not a destination. While we talk often about “discovering” purpose, the truth is that it’s an ongoing process — a lifetime commitment you continually work towards. Everyone has a purpose, but how that purpose realizes itself will likely change drastically throughout the years as your passions shift.

As you move forward into discovering your life’s purpose, approach the process with flexibility and an open mind. The beauty of living a purposeful life is that it encourages growth and positive change — be flexible as you flourish and let your core values guide you.



Greatway Financial

From Calgary, Alberta, Greatway Financial strives to provide the best financial services in the industry |